TriticeaeSSRdb: The Triticeae Simple Sequence Repeat Database

Distribution of SSR motif types

The most abundant motif category

Aegilops sharonensis

Aegilops sharonensis is an annual diploid grass that is a wild relative of wheat and whose genome is closely related to the B genome of cultivated bread wheat. It possesses a rich source of genes for resistance to important wheat diseases and abiotic stresses.
Species: Aegilops sharonensis
Abbreviation: Ae. sharonensis
Ploidy: diploid
Chromosomes: 14
Genomic SSRs: 196,482
Genic SSRs: 60,415
Genome size: 5.89G
Assembly: ASM2164183v1
Genome URL: Ae. sharonensis Genome URL
Accession: TH02
Chromosomes (Multi select)
Microsatellite Characterstics (select any one)
Chromosome Location range(kbp)
Size of SSR(bp)